środa, 29 kwietnia 2015
Witches Day in the Czech Republic 30th April
30th April- The Czech Republic- Witches Day- or better Witches Night. In many places of the country people have bonfires with a dummy of a witch. Some bonfires are small, some are bigger. People barbecue sausages, have fun and sometimes they display fireworks. But the origin of this Festival comes back to the history. People said Goodbye to The winter this way. In some places they threw a dummy of a woman called Morana into the river.
wtorek, 28 kwietnia 2015
Our trip to the zoo!
Open Day in Gimnazjum nr 14, Ruda Śląska
środa, 22 kwietnia 2015
National exams Poland
Every year in April Polish students of class three gimnazjum (final class of junior high school)take their final exmas. They last for 3 days. On the first day the questions are related to Polish, History Art and Social Science. On the second day the exam paper cjecks knowledge of Maths and Science. On the third day students write the exam of the chosen foreign language. Hope the results will be satisfactory:-)

wtorek, 21 kwietnia 2015
niedziela, 12 kwietnia 2015
sobota, 11 kwietnia 2015
czwartek, 9 kwietnia 2015
poniedziałek, 6 kwietnia 2015
niedziela, 5 kwietnia 2015
piątek, 3 kwietnia 2015
czwartek, 2 kwietnia 2015
środa, 1 kwietnia 2015
Palm Sunday in Poland
Last Sunday was celebrated as Palm Sunday. We brought our plams to school to show you what Polish palms look like. Do you have similar ones in our countries? As you can see, we have two types - some are maily made of natural elements and some are rather colourful - it depends on the region of Poland. 
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